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January Reading Round Up

January Reading Round Up

Earlier this month, I laid out my reading plans for the year. They are a bit of a stretch for me but I am determined to make a honest effort at completing my goal. With that in mind, let’s check in with the books I read and the PopSugar Reading Challenge prompts they checked off.

Book 1: A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas

Prompt Attempted: A book featuring a party

My thoughts: This was not my favorite book from the A Court of Thorns and Roses series so far but I did enjoy reading from Cassian and Nesta’s perspectives. I loved the friendships formed between the Valkyries and I loved the relationship Nesta forms with the House. There is some explicit spice in this one. So, if that is not your thing, you may want to skip this series all together. I think where I struggled with this book was the pacing. At 757 pages, most of the action and the main plot points, were past the 75% mark. And everything wrapped up fairly quickly at the end. I was surprised that there was no cliffhanger, as this is not the last book, and the previous books left us in a bit of situation. The series could theoretically end at this point and basically everything is wrapped up. That being said, I am still excited for the next book, which is slated to hit shelves in 2023.

Did it actually complete the prompt? Yes, there was a Winter Solstice ball!

Book 2: The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness
Prompt Attempted: A book about witches

My thoughts: This is the third book in the All Souls Trilogy. And again, this was not my favorite book of the series. While I did enjoy the book and the series over all, I felt like it did not live up to the previous two books. I’m beginning to think I just don’t enjoy happy endings. Everything got tied up in a neat little bow at the end and while I certainly think that is a common device for the last book in a series, I don’t personally find it satisfying. If you’re normal, and like books with solid conclusions, you will likely find the ending to be exactly what you wanted. On the whole, I loved and would recommend the series. It hits a lot of my favorite tropes - magical realism, forbidden love, a battle of good versus evil. With the added bonus, of dark academia.
Did it actually complete the prompt? Yes, the main character is a witch but I was 100% confident on this one going in.

Book 3: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
Prompt Attempted: A book you can read in one sitting

My thoughts: If you are a fan of Patrick Ness’ A Monster’s Call and Coraline, also by Neil Gaiman, I think you will love this book. It is short but what it lacks in page count, it more than makes up for in impact. This book will leave a lasting imprint on your heart. There is trauma, friendship, sacrifice, and bravery. An entirely quotable book, I made as many highlights in this book as I do in novels twice as long. This a must read.

Did it actually complete the prompt? I picked this book because it was the shortest from my 2022 Reading Plan. You absolutely can read this book all in one go. It moves really quickly. So, set up in a comfy spot and grab a cup of tea.

My January totals were: 3 books that completed 3 prompts; totaling 1,499 pages read.

I have 47 prompts to go.

My February goals are to complete and additional 3 prompts but I hope to read a total of 4 books. I am currently re-reading Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood prior to the February 15th release of the sequel House of Sky and Breath. Additionally, I hope to read One Night on the Island, a new release by Josie Silver , and 84 Charing Cross Road. Wish me luck!

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