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Cheesy Christmas Netflix Picks to Get You in the Holiday Spirit!

Cheesy Christmas Netflix Picks to Get You in the Holiday Spirit!

The second, and I mean the actual second, that Halloween ends, I am 100% Christmas. I love twinkle lights, hot cocoa, and little, tiny Santa Klaus’ everywhere.

But I know that some people have really strong opinions about that. For most, let’s just say it, normal people, Christmas is restricted to the 24 days before and the 12 days after the actual day. So, sometimes, I have to get my Christmas kicks in covert, sneaky ways, as to not upset those traditionalist who will not put up a a single item of Christmas decor before Thanksgiving.

One of my favorite ways to do that, is to watch holiday movies. Especially really bad holiday movies. I’m talking B list actors, low budget, straight to VHS kind of films. Except no one makes straight to VHS films anymore. They do however make straight to Netflix movies. And that’s good enough for me.

Today, I’m sharing bad Christmas movies on my watch list this year!


A Christmas Prince

I feel like this was the cheesy Netflix Christmas films to start it all. This classic rag-to-riches tales follows an American journalist who is sent to the fictional European country, Aldovia, to cover the crown prince’s press conference. Antics ensue, they fall in love, and Netflix has fully capitalized on our bad taste by releasing two additional sequels. So, get your popcorn, hot chocolate, and settle in for 6 hours of the handsome prince falling for the pretty pauper. Let’s face it, you have nothing better to do this weekend.


The Princess Switch

If you loved The Parent Trap, you’ll love to hate-watch this Cinderella story starring Vanessa Hudgens. Vanessa plays Stacy, the humble baker from Chicago who enters a competition in the fictional country of Belgravia. There she meets the Princess of Belgravia, Margaret, also played by Vanessa Hudgens, and they decide to switch places to see how the other half lives. Because obviously being a boring, single lady from Chi-town is terrible. As is being a rich princess with the world at her fingertips. I feel so horrible for both of their challenging lives. Which why I think you'll connect with these characters, it is so #relatable. Will they both realize their lives aren’t that bad and return to them? Or will they both keep running from their troubles? You’ll have to watch to find out. This movie is best enjoyed with a pint of ice cream.


Let It Snow

Adapted from the book by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle, Let It Snow, follows three kids on the verge of adulthood ( or something like it), as they navigate a snowy night before Christmas. While the book is not quite so derivative, this movie seems ripped right from the script Nickelodeon classic, Snow Day. While Snow Day is a far superior movie, it is not on Netflix (Netflix, get on this!). Settle in and relive that beautiful feeling of knowing that there is a full-two weeks Christmas vacation ahead of you while watching this one. Why don’t adult jobs have school vacations?


Holiday in the Wild

Recently dumped, Charlotte, I mean…Kate goes on her second honeymoon to Zambia alone. Before heading off to her final destination, Kate meets Derek in a bar. Plot twist- he’s her pilot scheduled to fly her to her exclusive resort. What will happen when the pair have to make an emergency landing in the wild? They’ll fall in love...duh. If you’re feeling a little more grown up, this one is for you. Also, if you think Rob Lowe is hot, this one is for you. Which is manly why I watched it (sorry, Thomas!).


The Knight Before Christmas

Oh, Vanessa, you a bad bee! She’s back at it again with yet another Christmas love story. Brooke, our leading lady, is feeling unlucky in love until she hits Cole, a 14th century knight, with her car. Believing she’s caused brain damage to this poor guy, Brooke takes care of Cole. And…wait for it…they fall in love. It’s just too good, guys.

Alright, I’m done making fun of how far Vanesssa’s career has fallen since her High School Musical days. Tell me your favorite bad holiday movie in the comments below! I will watch them all with delight.

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