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Project Back on Track: Day 75 Check-In

Project Back on Track: Day 75 Check-In

Day 75 has come and gone and as I write this I am in the home stretch. This project is absolutely flying by! So far, I’m loving habit tracking and taking the time to go back every two weeks to reflect on what I did in those days.

I’ve seen incredible growth in my meditation practice. I have felt the benefits of gratitude journaling, intention setting, and positive affirmations as part of my daily routine.

The practice is motivating enough to push me to do better but I never feel bad about having a “bad” habit day. It’s really changed the way I spend my mornings.

Day 75 Check-In | #projectbackontrack | Laurel and Iron

In the last few check-ins, I didn’t review my “numbers” because I didn’t want to focus on whether or not I succeed or failed. I try not to inject that kind of self-competition into my self-improvement work. It just isn’t necessary but I think the numbers are kind of interesting, so let’s see what I was up to in the last two weeks!

Day 75 Check-In | #projectbackontrack | Laurel and Iron

Acts of Self-Care 2 of 15 days

I feel okay about this result. I think we should all take a little more time for self-care. Self-care can look different for everyone. For me, this usually means pampering such as a bath, getting a massage or manicure, or doing a face mask at home.

Day 90 Self-Care Goal: Get a mani/pedi

Day 75 Check-In | #projectbackontrack | Laurel and Iron

Getting a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise: 13 out of 15 days
Getting a minimum of 60 minutes of exercise: 9 out of 15 days

Holy Moly! I’m super proud of these numbers! This is awesome! Although I did not get out there and try something new, as per my project goals, I did get out there and get a variety of exercises - barre, spin, yoga, walking, and hiking. I feel great about this particular goal.

Day 90 Movement Goals: Match or beat these numbers

Day 75 Check-In | #projectbackontrack | Laurel and Iron

Eating Paleo: 8 out of 15 days

I know I could have done better here but that’s okay. I also know that there were many celebrations and family gatherings and special date nights. I’m okay with not meeting this goal but I also know that eating paleo is a dietary style that makes me feel best and I haven’t been feeling my best. I even had an outbreak of eczema that I think may be related to gluten or dairy consumption.

Day 90 Dietary Goal: 10 out of 15 days of paleo diet

Day 75 Check-In | #projectbackontrack | Laurel and Iron

Yoga Practice: 3 out of 15

Much like I can always use more self-care, I can always use more yoga. It’s restorative, challenging for both the mind and body, and centering.

Day 90 Yoga goal: 6 out of 15 days

Do you habit track? Tell me what you’re tracking and how you measure your success or lack thereof?

Day 75 Check-In | #projectbackontrack | Laurel and Iron
Project Back on Track: Having a "Perfect" Day

Project Back on Track: Having a "Perfect" Day

Caramel Apple Cider Slushie

Caramel Apple Cider Slushie