
Hello there.

Welcome to Laurel and Iron - a lifestyle blog documenting my life and adventures in New England and beyond.

home: my ultimate spring cleaning guide

home: my ultimate spring cleaning guide

Spring is offically here! According to the calendar anyways! Mother Nature has not been checking her Filofax because it’s still freezing here in Maine. Yet, some how I’m kind of okay with it because the cold weather is going to give me the opportunity to do some serious deep cleaning this month before the weather gets too nice for such dreadful tasks.

I’m so excited to share with you my ultimate cleaning guide to totally refresh your home this spring. Feel free to make it your own, add rooms, remove tasks, or just ignore it altogether and hire cleaners.

Ultimate Spring Cleaning Guide - Kitchen and Pantry | Laurel and Iron
Ultimate Spring Cleaning Guide - Living and Dining Room | Laurel and Iron
Ultimate Spring Cleaning Guide Bed and Bathrooms | Laurel and Iron
Ultimate Spring Cleaning Guide - Misc | Laurel and Iron

Put on your gloves and get cracking! What are you excited for this spring?

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be merry: grapefruit mint julep for easter brunch

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